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aorers1 35 男
5  記事
?   2019/7/9

any and all are welcomed for no diffrence

0 コメント, 8 閲覧された回数, 7 投票 ,2.28 スコア
Benzzzy316 31 男
4  記事
Forarms   2019/7/5

One of the best workouts: <br><br> First you wanna open your internet browser. Follow that by typing in xvideos. Then find something sexy but also something thatll make you last at least an hour. You then wanna jerk off l, increase your speed every 10 mins. Once you hit the 30 min mark switch arms, maybe put a new video on. Do this work out every day and you'll look like popeye ...

1 コメント, 22 閲覧された回数, 14 投票 ,1.86 スコア
Hotfunz3 37 男
5  記事
anyone need workout buddy?   2019/7/4

Anyone need a workout buddy? LET ME KNOW

3 コメント, 15 閲覧された回数, 8 投票 ,3.25 スコア
everthing82 41 男
4  記事
is it for who   2019/6/28

i workout for me i like being in good shape now it does come with perks like when you hit the beach or pool and take off your shirt , Now as long as you never lose sight of why you do it pump on

3 コメント, 20 閲覧された回数, 14 投票 ,2.66 スコア
1up4peach 37 C
2  記事
what is the best body type   2019/6/25

out favorite is thick and or curvy girls bbw as you call it but everyone is beautiful!

3 コメント, 28 閲覧された回数, 18 投票 ,2.44 スコア
KatieChris4fun 34 C
1  記事
how important is being fit?   2019/6/22

he all, just wondering your thoughts on fitness. i have always been into fitness, both in keeping myself fit and in my partners. it is very important to me and will always be. just wondering where does fitness rank for everyone else. thanks.

12 コメント, 69 閲覧された回数, 31 投票 ,4.87 スコア
justroiet2 33 男
7  記事
i have more thrust now   2019/6/17

i started going the gym more regularly and doing yoga + weights strengthen my lower body, and my sex life has tremendously improved. I have so much more thrust, its unbelievable

2 コメント, 32 閲覧された回数, 25 投票 ,2.69 スコア
Daddys_Girl209 52 C
54  記事
Why I don't diet and why you should stop defining women by their weigh   2019/6/15

"You amazing. You've lost so much weight. What have you been doing?" "No, no, no. You must be doing something new. Is it a diet? I must know!" "Well, whatever it is. Don't stop. You great." <br><br> Please. Just. Stop. <br><br> Stop. Idolizing skinny. Stop. Villainizing weight gain. Stop. Ignoring my health. Stop. Equating skinny and ...

4 コメント, 33 閲覧された回数, 20 投票 ,3.64 スコア
willwatchu2 49 男
5  記事
running   2019/6/15

may be more of a question but is running on concrete worse that blacktop?

0 コメント, 5 閲覧された回数, 2 投票 ,1.73 スコア
Daddys_Girl209 52 C
54  記事
When I see an overweight person at my gym, I see a warrior   2019/6/13

I can understand an obese person's sensitivity. It's like a raw nerve bites 1, 000 different ways. If it's been an issue throughout your life, there are compounded ache from lost social opportunities, health issues, and self-esteem. <br><br> I know why most new-years gym memberships go unused or cancel by March.... Every time you're the gym, you're dealing with a ...

1 コメント, 28 閲覧された回数, 22 投票 ,4.21 スコア
Fit or Chubby   2019/6/9

Do people only really want to meet up with fit guys or is some extra padding good? I like a little bit of thickness. Some to grab and hold onto really turns me on.

5 コメント, 29 閲覧された回数, 16 投票 ,2.83 スコア
Summernites88 43 C
7  記事
Body of a God   2019/6/5

Bodybuilding is a habit you form from being consistent with your daily routine. If you miss a workout you actually feel guilty. The guilt keeps you on track and keeps you going but the biggest motivator is the rewards of a beautiful body.

8 コメント, 50 閲覧された回数, 31 投票 ,3.34 スコア
CoastalPro87 31 男
5  記事
Single   2019/6/2

Need to find the energy to hit the gym now! Need to get cut up like I was before a relationship! Never losing myself again!!

2 コメント, 19 閲覧された回数, 13 投票 ,1.63 スコア
kickCGandDG521 38 C
6  記事
Fitness   2019/6/1

Who all likes to stay fit? We do.

6 コメント, 33 閲覧された回数, 18 投票 ,3.94 スコア
Chillguy985 39 男
5  記事
Around Rochester mn   2019/5/30

Where do members go to work our are there any good Workout facilities in the area.? Maybe one with a sauna or spa coed preferably? I always see Erotic videosWith people in the sauna after a good workout I think that be really fun.

1 コメント, 19 閲覧された回数, 10 投票 ,2.79 スコア
brij6771 39 男
3  記事
Fit body or anything   2019/5/29

What kind of body does a girls look for a fot one or anything

0 コメント, 4 閲覧された回数, 3 投票 ,1.96 スコア
brij6771 39 男
3  記事
Fit body or anything   2019/5/29

What kind of body does a girls look for a fot one or anything

1 コメント, 6 閲覧された回数, 5 投票 ,1.51 スコア
NRDay 26 男
7  記事
Do alot   2019/5/26

Get fit

1 コメント, 11 閲覧された回数, 8 投票 ,1.16 スコア
thedavidsiqui 25 男
5  記事
How do you develop your arms?   2019/5/21

I want to dry to make my arms bigger, in every aspect possible. Should I target any specific muscles?

4 コメント, 22 閲覧された回数, 8 投票 ,1.62 スコア
thedavidsiqui 25 男
5  記事
How do you develop your arms?   2019/5/21

I want to dry to make my arms bigger, in every aspect possible. Should I target any specific muscles?

3 コメント, 21 閲覧された回数, 9 投票 ,2.14 スコア
Fitness   2019/5/21

How fun would it be to fuck in the gym after a fitness workout.

0 コメント, 1 閲覧された回数, 1 投票 ,1.10 スコア
TN78201 43 男
1  記事
Sex after Workout   2019/5/20

Does anyone else enjoy sex after the gym? I can't be the only one who enjoys it.

1 コメント, 12 閲覧された回数, 8 投票 ,1.39 スコア
WineForCandy 41 女
14  記事
Caregiver?   2019/5/20

Passionate. I enjoy oreplay, passion, slow, receiving , massage ... Wine, getting close..Talk initially ... <br><br> WATCH VIDEOS ...I TAKE REQUESTS .. Independent, genuine, toned. I like to party, clubs, shop, travel, tan, pamper myself , Starbucks, Fine Wine, dining, be funny and wise, Chocolate candy, working outfriends, write, movies, music, date, versatile. , Self employed . I am ...

9 コメント, 46 閲覧された回数, 23 投票 ,4.41 スコア
DirtyThoughts002 43 男
6  記事
Lose body fat   2019/5/17

What are the best ways to lose body fat? Is running still good or is something like HIIT better?

2 コメント, 13 閲覧された回数, 5 投票 ,2.82 スコア
LickingInBoston 39 男
1  記事
The best exercise to prepare for sex   2019/5/15

I would say running, biking, and crunches are all amazing. Any kind of cardio. Not sure weight training helps with anything.

0 コメント, 6 閲覧された回数, 5 投票 ,2.82 スコア
deezh803 34 男
8  記事
abs or legs   2019/5/11

what the preference??

4 コメント, 28 閲覧された回数, 16 投票 ,2.39 スコア
hhill54927 26 男
4  記事
Working out   2019/4/28

How often does everyone workout? What are some good tips to continuously workout and good exercises you like to do

7 コメント, 42 閲覧された回数, 24 投票 ,2.56 スコア
Exhibition414 34 男
6  記事
Ever gone out with someone you met at a gym?   2019/4/28

If so how did you approach them? Ever end up having fun in the locker room?

3 コメント, 25 閲覧された回数, 14 投票 ,1.54 スコア
B19Ha1rynuts4cks 24 男
6  記事
Points   2019/4/27

How many ppl consider being fit and active as a turn on? I know I love it when my girl is in shape and able to bend all diff types of ways

5 コメント, 25 閲覧された回数, 16 投票 ,2.10 スコア
Does long distance running equate to more stamina in the bedroom   2019/4/13

OK, so not really an article per se but still a launching point for a discussion... <br><br> does long distance cardio equate to stamina? Of course penis sensitivity is what it is, some come faster than others, I'm talking about thrusting, gyrating, etc... I think so. <br><br> Your thoughts?

3 コメント, 28 閲覧された回数, 20 投票 ,2.61 スコア