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A poem without a name
投稿日:2018年 3月 23日 1:38 am
最終更新日時:2018年 6月 28日 12:51 am
4743 回の閲覧
The thought, it has occurred to me, does anyone really give a shit
Middling thru life one day at a time, looking for something we never will find
And lessons are taught and lessons are learned
But not before allowing our hearts to get burned
The handsome and beautiful faces they smile, they laugh,they dance
But are they loyal and faithful...is there even a chance
I have a good body and God blessed my face, but it cant begin to take the place
Of a soul who will give you the clothes off their backs
Or give you thier couch till your funds are in tact
The broke friend who offers her shoulder to cry on,
Your ex who is still someone you can rely on
The bullshitters might have the run of their world
Out to scam boys, out to fuck girls
But me, I think I will hold on to my pearls
Until you can prove you belong in my world.
2 コメント
Still Chasing
投稿日:2018年 3月 14日 2:46 am
最終更新日時:2018年 6月 28日 12:50 am
4416 回の閲覧
I'm still chasing dreams as bad as that seems
I just cant stop it means too much to me
Even tho times get tough I am tougher still
I will find that success because that's what I will
My boys they encourage me, tell me to go for it
They know someday we'll have something to show for it
One day I'll look back and certainly see
How not giving up would someday set me free

(and finding my kool kat is still on my mind
out there somewhere, I know he will find me)
1 コメント
Feeling Their Pain
投稿日:2018年 2月 16日 4:38 am
最終更新日時:2018年 6月 28日 12:47 am
4474 回の閲覧

My heart it breaks for the mothers who lost yesterday
their children, at the hands of a child enraged
they left for school with a smile and a kiss
to return in a body bag, somethings amiss
I feel the pain that explodes from their heart
the need to rip this young man apart
and how does killing innocents fix his own pain
what the fuck does mass killing gain
a minute of press time and years of regret
I wonder if he's even feeling it yet
that he took away from seventeen homes
a loved one cuz he didn't have love of his own
God I scream at you why is it so
that you couldn't allow folks like him to just show
a giant bright light or some other sign
that soon he'd give birth to a heinous crime
or at least let the mothers heart know to hold on
to their precious babies if they must pass on
now filled with unrest they will all ask you why
you let one sad boy make seventeen die
this isn't the first time and wont be the last
on my knees God I beg you to bring peace forth fast
and hold all those mothers deep in your lap
so they might let go with their sanity intact
Now broken and lost, God for their sakes, please act!
1 コメント
Temporary Surrender
投稿日:2018年 2月 1日 8:06 pm
最終更新日時:2018年 2月 7日 10:15 pm
4673 回の閲覧
Life is much harder than it would seem
Especially when one has to give up her dream
Of writing books and being successful
Living a life with more peace and less stressful
I have not told anyone I am much too ashamed
It’s all my fault there is no one to blame
I let down my boys we are now damn near homeless
I had the faith; I swore I could do this
Now back on the hunt for gainful employment
And providing crow for my naysayers enjoyment
I let yet another blow smoke up my ass
I trusted again, he seemed to have class
He needed an admin to invoice and pay bills
I guess fooling me gave him some kind of cheap thrill
As much as I like to just sit here and cry
Or send a hate letter to that fucking guy
I 've no choice but to get back out and try
My precious they look at me for their needs
And I will die before living on streets
Or not having food for their sweet mouths to eat
I'll be under paid, over stressed, just to work
At jobs that are often managed by jerks
As long as no one can, from me, take away
The dream that I will be that writer someday
2 コメント
Hidden in Me
投稿日:2018年 1月 29日 2:33 pm
最終更新日時:2019年 8月 2日 8:07 pm
4148 回の閲覧

If I had a dime for every time
I took a new picture or wrote a new rhyme
I would have new shoes for those kiddos of mine
And not fantasize about comitting crimes
To pay all the bills and meet other needs
Its not about riches or having much greed
But rather about living comfortably
And not worrying away my eternity...

I pray to a God who has somehow forgot me
And drink away pain cuz it is so easy
I would lay on my back to collect what I need to
Except I can’t fuck if I don’t know or like you
I hope that my children never do see
The shame and the inner turmoil in me
Cuz half of the battle is to keep them protected
And hiding from them all the pain I’ve collected.
5 コメント
投稿日:2018年 1月 10日 2:18 am
最終更新日時:2019年 9月 28日 6:08 pm
4217 回の閲覧

why am I me, I asked God sincerely
who should you be, he answered most wearily
did I not wire you differently so yo';d make an impression
do you not have good sense and use your discretion
fighting off aging and a mind worth engaging
what is this insecure moment your staging
I look to the sky, most embarrassed I cried
and he says rest now child, I know you have tried
I have not left you, i am right by your side
but you have to keep going though you are tired
I reach out to grab him and demand that he take me
and realize my children are trying to wake me
an echo of his presence still lingers within
stay strong child I promise, this fight you shall win
1 コメント
A Word About Dick-Pics *(please see disclaimer LOL)
投稿日:2018年 1月 7日 4:48 am
最終更新日時:2018年 9月 23日 2:26 am
4350 回の閲覧
most men can appreciate guidance at times
and welcome a woman's perspective
so please don't be insulted by this rhyme
to inform is my sole objective

I don't know what makes a smart man decide
that I'm longing for this to complete my life
so unabashedly he fires off real quick
an immodest and crude picture of his dick

without having flirted, or even talked dirty
assuming I want to make friends with his birdie
he wields it like a caveman would wield his love arrow
and seeks to impale whom he can by tomorrow

and worse some are cocking it as if to shoot
while wearing old tighty whities and boots
and once I have giggled til I cant stand the pain
I ponder what did he think this will gain

please help me understand what prompts this act
does being a horn dog override tact
do so many women get down on there knees
to beg for your dick pic
oh please daddy please

and what gets me is the guy whose polite
at first but sends dick-pics by the end of the night
even tho you have only talked Astros and beer
he has baited the hook, now climb on it dear

no no no let me help you with this
I don't want to see your pink friend fore a kiss
I know that you use it and hope to impress
to me its a turn off this I confess

so next time your ego tries to prompt you
to do something that you know you shouldn't do
stay strong and resist, don't send off that pic
a big turn off... an unsolicited pic of a dick

* disclaimer...to all the nice gentlemen with dick-pics, I am quite sure you know what your doing and this technique gets you lots of good results...kuddos...just don't send them directly to me...I don't want to meet your dick until we have wined, dinned, laughed, exchanged risque stories, talked about sex/fantasies, alluded to an inevitable coupling or you are asked directly...pretty please with sugar on top!!!!
8 コメント
Party Girl Seeks
投稿日:2017年 12月 31日 5:14 pm
最終更新日時:2019年 3月 27日 8:20 am
4484 回の閲覧
Party Girl is looking for a place to unwind, to escape the grind, leave her worries behind.

She seeks a Kool Kat who plays all night, touches just right, gives lift to her kite

Their bodies in bed but heads in the clouds, music so loud, Kool Kat endowed

Kissing and touching exploring each place, hands on her face, a hardcore embrace

Learning fast the mutual need, the love of speed, taking with greed

Party Girl seeks a Kool Kat who plays till the end, wont break but might bend, who might stay a friend.
8 コメント
Two women- The Saga Continues (part 2 of "Two Women" posted April 16th)
投稿日:2017年 12月 13日 7:49 am
最終更新日時:2018年 7月 31日 2:14 am
3977 回の閲覧

For many a day but mostly at night

Soft girl has been busy planning her flight

Away from Hard girl, who once was her friend

She hopes to never see Hard girl again

She carefully studies the routines of each day

And is now almost certain, she will soon get away

To think she came close to bringing an end

To a life that was over before it began

But something inside her insisted she fight

And now she is ready to finally take flight

By crying in agony and writhing in pain

Sincere concern of her Hard girl she'll gain

And as Hard Girl investigates, Soft girl will grin

For that's when the real pain for Hard Girl begins

Her weapon, 8 inches of cold hard steel

Designed to maim, designed to kill

And Hard girls body they never will find

But suddenly concern enters her mind

One girl cannot live if the other girl dies

With her plans now foiled, Soft girl sits down and cries
2 コメント
Blissful Oblivion
投稿日:2017年 11月 27日 1:52 pm
最終更新日時:2018年 6月 28日 12:34 am
4131 回の閲覧
Do the clinically crazy know they're insane?

Or do they just exist on a much different plane?

Where violent and outrageous acts are the norm,

Perfectly content they are true to form.

In their own mind unaware of what we see,

Oblivious to their padded room, under lock and key!

Unaware they're imprisoned in a hapless existance

A tranquil serenity that affords no resistance.

Blissfully clueless they are scary, unpredictable.

Mentally contradictable and some convictible!

Can you imagine all the peace that could come from such inadvertence?

An apathetic state, not aware of there own discordance.

Sometimes it's a burden this mind ripe with such cognizance.

To exist in a daydream, yet deliciously ignorant.

To be strangely at peace as an accidental dissident.

That poem stems from the fact that sometimes I wonder if I'm insane and just don't know it and I'm actually sitting in a padded room with a straight jacket on blissfully unaware that I'm crazy as bad shit... living within my own mind as a mother and a comfortable home struggling through life like all the normal people but all the while subconsciously awaiting my next in injection that will keep me calm and tranquil and able to stay totally oblivious.
4 コメント
Growing Pains
投稿日:2017年 11月 24日 10:57 pm
最終更新日時:2018年 6月 28日 12:32 am
3558 回の閲覧

Today I thought of my babies and cried
because I miss singing them lullabyes

It happened so fast the years just flew by
I knew it would happen but still wonder why

they can't stay puppies and kittens too long
and I'm forced to start letting go
forced to be strong

But I'm not in fact I'm quite a wreck
living without little hands around my neck

Had I known it be gone
I'd have held on much longer...

They adored me, they believed me
They promised that would never leave me

they never fought back, argued or disagreed,
they loved me unconditionally

they filled a great need
But now they don't need me

They don't treat me like they once did
they're almost young adults they're not little kids

they have their own thoughts and opinions and lives
And one day they will have their own children and wives

but they'll be around here for a couple more years
so how do I get through that without all these tears

how do I survive without being needed
it wasn't enough time I feel I was cheated

I'll never forget their sweet little faces
their total acceptance they had so much grace

I'll never forget their sweet little hugs and how they saw me as nothing but love...
1 コメント
Little Girl Grieve
投稿日:2017年 11月 24日 10:52 pm
最終更新日時:2018年 11月 11日 5:29 pm
3183 回の閲覧

it was Thanksgiving day when you died the first time
a lack of oxygen to your body and mind
they brought back your heart, but you never returned
you had been dead too long we would learn

so machines kept you breathing but you were not there
10 long days you had the same stare
I went home on day 5 but hated to leave you
as I knew that would be the last time I would see you

I remember a moment when you stared right through me
without a doubt, I swear that you knew me
you knew the reason that I was there
you knew that I loved you you knew that I cared

those brilliant green eyes they bore down on me
and made me aware that you'd soon be free
I remember I felt as if though you had said
my life is a prison, I'm better off dead
because of the man you were beholden to
who never a day had been kind to you
you were being paroled from a domestic hell
22 years in a prison cell

and then filled with peace
I too was released

but I still wanted him to pay for not getting help for you that day
watching you suffer and letting you die
because it interfered with his getting high
and for several long months I plotted and planned
on how I could rid the Earth of this man
but nothing ever came of my anger, my rage
so I locked up those thoughts and I put them away

And after 10 more days with a tag on your toe
a gun was the reason he let your body go
as his plan was to put you in a Potter's grave, after all that you did for him, all that you gave

now you're beautiful ashes rest finally
as your spirit, it soars, alive and free
and you remain a big part of me

alive in my soul my heart and my mind
always my mother...forever in time.
0 コメント
A Long Year
投稿日:2017年 11月 16日 8:14 am
最終更新日時:2019年 8月 1日 12:29 am
2966 回の閲覧

Well it's been a year since I said goodbye...
I still don't understand but God knows I've tried...
If I could just get one answer to the question why?

I'm over the anger, but still have the pain...
It would be so nice to see you again.
I'm sorry that I didn't see the signs...
Didn't see you were hurting, didn't notice in time...

Looking back I remember you were troubled and sad...
But I was preoccupied and that makes me feel bad.
The coroner said it took great effort what you did..
I still question how you could leave your kids...

But those are the things only God knows...
You must have been desperate by the path that you chose.

And I'm sorry for the moment at the coffin that day...
When I dropped the bunny on you and then ran away...
I just wasn't used to seeing you that way...
You were done wrong in how you were displayed...

And I texted your dad and told him the truth...
That he had let you down in your youth.
I told him he should have nailed that coffin shut!
And kicked that Funeral Directors butt...

I kind of feel bad but what can I do?
But that thing in the coffin it just wasn't you...

We all have our demons we all get depressed...
I still wonder why you didn't confess?
To me, what was causing you such anguish?
I would have held you until the bad thoughts vanished.

I could have talked you through what you planned to do...
I'm sorry that I just wasn't there for you.
Yep it's been a year since you came to your end,
I never replaced you...don't have a best friend.

I talk to you often and hope you can hear me.
I'll never forget you my sweet little Jamie.
1 コメント

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  Crzygryl 58女
58 女
10 ツ個 2019


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投稿 投稿者 掲載日
I Stand Defeated (7)curious_jake2
2019年 11月 27日 1:27 am
As If I Didn’t Know (3)angelsoutlaw
2019年 10月 26日 2:59 pm
Satans Kiss (2)pjgwynn
2019年 8月 18日 11:25 am
Final Blog (10)oldfarmer281
2019年 8月 2日 11:31 am
Two Women (1)oldfarmer281
2019年 8月 2日 5:33 am
Its Not My Fault (19)lips2skin4u
2019年 7月 9日 4:34 pm
Almost Too Late (3)jimmy_j_76
2019年 6月 13日 3:24 pm
Little Girl Challenged (5)txGuy4u69
2019年 5月 28日 7:55 pm
Party Girl Seeks (18)Dirk_Diggler1976
2019年 3月 11日 11:12 pm
Holiday (12)s2ndegree
2018年 11月 20日 3:04 pm
The Sun Cried (3)veneryman
2018年 10月 24日 8:19 pm